The Gourd Farm

I made a trip to the gourd farm last Friday, Greg Leiser Farms to be exact. A very fun trip and I recommend it to all in the area that are intersted. It is located close to Sacramento.

Anyways, I was a little after season, but they still had a huge selection, and very cheap prices. I had recently got about 5 gourds from The Caning Shop in Berkeley. It was nice enough, but the prices and selection at Leiser Farms can't be beat.

So I got 9 gourds, 3 sets of three. I am planning on making 3 Agbe / Guiro shekere sets. An Agbe set contains 3 shekeres; small, medium and large, and they should vary in tone as well. I am going to be experimenting with construction methods and types of beads to see what I think really works and looks best.

Considering a shekere was the first instrument I made I thought it would be suiting to start of this post with shekeres.