Two new guaguas / catas available and for sale.

EDIT: These guaguas have been sold.
I should have a few more available

I've got two completed guaguas / catas for playing palitos available for any rumberos out there that are looking. These two are made from some nice solid ppieces of bamboo.

The one on the left has two large holes as you can see in the picture and the one on the right has 4 smaller holes. They sound more or less the same. Very similar. Maybe the one with 4 holes is a slightly lower pitch, but it's a small difference.
They are both right around 12" long and 4" wide for comfortable seated playing. I don't use a stand myself, but I've been told by a previous customer that my guaguas fit on a stand. Which stand? I have no idea. I'm sure an inventive person could rig something up. Usually I see cymbal stands modified, and I guess Pearl makes a stand for guaguas too, but I don't know anything about it really.
I've been selling my guaguas for a while now. Price is $24.00 + shipping. I take PayPal. I've shipped to other countries before, that's not much of a problem. Raphael over at the Sentimiento Manana blog wrote a review of my guaguas. Also in case you missed it, I described how I make my instruments here in my previous post on the subject. There is a small review from a customer in the comments that you can read in that post as well.

Anyways, feel free to contact me through this blog if you want one.

p.s. and I finally figured out the proper way to post images so all of them will enlarge now.