Guemilere: Study Guide for Afro - Cuban Percussion (Jimenez / Wardinsky)

I've gotten a lot of music over the years from various blogs that post out of print and rare albums and tracks. Two of my favorite are on my list to the right of this page: ¡Vamos a guarachar! and Fidels Eyeglasses . So now it is my turn to return the favor. The intent of this blog is not really for music sharing like so many others, however I feel the educational nature of the tracks I'll be making available fits my blog's purpose of education and information, but I won't be making a habit of public file sharing.

I am posting the sound files to a now out of print and very hard to find music education book . It is the music education book; Güemilere: Guide For Afro-Cuban Percussion by Regino Jimenez/ Scott Wardinsky, which I can only find the barest of information on, but the sound files are an excellent educational resource. They approach the rhythms by adding each instrument one at a time, building it, so the student can hear the parts and how they go together. It is a very original approach.

Download Guide For Afro-Cuban Percussion by Jimenez/Wardinsky

(I'm using a free rapdishare account so the downloads will have to be uploaded periodically. Please make requests for re-uploads in the comments. Link last updated 12/13/10 as mp3 files)

Scott Wardinsky is still active, sadly Regino Jimenez is no longer with us, however his music is still available on You can honor both of these musicians and educators by studying their work and learning to play these rhythms.