It is with sad news that I announce the passing of a tremendous rumbero and wonderful human being; Felix 'Pupy" Insua. I have had the pleasure of playing guaguanco and rumba columbia with Pupy a while back at a very chill rumba here in San Francisco. I remember him having an incredibly generous smile. I was also lucky enough to witness a performance of his where he exhibited his tremendous talent as a rumbero dancing, singing and playing the tumbadoras.
From his Facebook page:
Felix Anesio Insua Brindis ~ Obbalubbe ~ Ibae March 31, 1948 ~ June 2, 2011 Pupy left the material world & joined the ancestors yesterday at 11:40 am surrounded by his family in Cuba with honor and pride, knowing he lived a truly blessed life. He passed peacefully, without pain, calm & smiling!